Thursday, November 16, 2023

Miss you...


                                                           My heart goes on!

Dear Love!

Though I have been through different kind of loneliness in the past but this phase is something more than all previous combine. It's sudden without any betrayal, which is the key difference between all the past phases and current phase.

Last seven years were the most beautiful years of my life and I dream to live another set of months with you after a short interval. 

I never ever want to recall even a single day before 2016, 30th November. Not because there's nothing to recall but because it exhausts me and made me like it doesn't worth of anything. The days, months, years we spend together in different corners of the city of Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and other parts of the country flash before my eyes when I run to catch a packed Mumbai Local. The memories run faster than me and shifts faster than the sounds of people around me.

Life charges you for what you're given. This has been my belief over a long period of time. I have paid huge huge cost for whatever I have. The most expensive cost I have paid in my life is my loneliness for your identity. Your identity can only be accurately understood by a person, who has made his identity himself after confronting all the horrible experiences in life. Many time you have made me realise that we belong to almost similar background with full of negligence, financial hardship, being underestimated and completely suffocative environment having some sense of domestic disturbances. Such difficulties saw seed of revolution in the innocent minds. It happened with me and It happened with you as well. I cracked IIMC, cracked another exam to join Doordarshan as a Business Correspondent and developed my personality as possible as I could. Started seeing thing from my point of view, learned speaking Truth in all circumstances and started eliminating people from my life with a strict policy of "No Friend". The last success of my life was to get married with you in the presence of entire society and family members. That was a privilege, difficult now a days. All success after our wedding was yours. Producing two Super-Sanskari kids, ensuring their good education till now, living lives at our conditions and sharing uncountable golden moments were all your success not mine.

I miss you so much!

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